Make a one-time or recurring contribution
Our service to seafarers is supported by generous donors including individuals, churches, and businesses. We are grateful to all who contribute toward our mission, and seafarers benefit from our ability to reach out to them in multiple ways.
We are a 501c3 organization, and all donations are tax-deductible.
Donate by PayPal, or credit or bank card:
Planned giving
Gift planning can fund important charity work and enable larger gifts to SCI than could be made from your discretionary ordinary income. These gifts can range from a simple change of beneficiary in a will or trust to a more sophisticated financial instrument that can benefit both you and the charity.
Planned giving can include
- A legacy gift to be paid upon your death in the form of a bequest from your will or from some or all of the proceeds from a life insurance policy or retirement account (IRA, etc.)
- A gift in the form of charitable annuities or certain trusts that can provide you with income during your lifetime with the remainder going to SCI at your death. Donors who establish a life-income gift can receive a tax deduction for the fair market value of the assets contributed.
- A gift of appreciated assets rather than cash.
Your legal and financial advisers should be the ones to consult with you on what is best for your particular financial situation and goals. If you are considering a planned gift, please alert us and we will be happy to discuss what would be most effective for SCI.